My first month working at Swapcard, Paris!

3 min readJun 29, 2018
You can’t really get over the Eiffel Tower, can you?

Opportunity is a funny thing, Paris is an amazing place and when the two combines — You can’t really complain, can you? :D

This June, with a passport and plane ticket in hand, I said goodbye to my family and stepped onto an airplane headed to Paris. The city of Paris is famous world-over for its food, wine, art, people and culture, and there are always new restaurants opening, new artists and musicians to discover.

For the summers, I was going to learn a great deal by experiencing tech, growth and marketing through my work. I was working as a Growth Hacker at Swapcard, a team that helps events and conferences be more interactive, engaging and amazing. I was expecting the experience to be fantastic — round trip ticket to Paris, apartment sharing with great people, free food and beer, and trip to different places in Europe at the end.


The team@Swapcard consisted of amazingly talented and kind people working really hard to make the product more amazing. First few days at Swapcard were really great, everyone was very welcoming and to my surprise I was the youngest of everyone (:D). Being a Growth Hacker, my work comprised of playing around with user analytics, metrics and statistics (a data geek, yess). My mentor is a super cool and nice guy who helped me understand the whole process of how things work and what my approach towards work should be.

Marketing Team @Swapcard

I’m not going to lie; it was a bit intimidating at first. With amazing tech, sales and marketing professionals working right beside you, while being on a team of amazing people from all around the world, it felt easy to shrivel back and hide. But when life gives you such opportunities, you just can’t let yourself hide. You have to give it your all. And that’s what I am trying to do.

A usual Friday evening at work!!!

I was still processing how things work in Paris so the weekdays are usually all about work, and weekends all about food, bars, beer and football (WORLDCUP, YAAAAAAYYYY!!!!). I kinda traveled everywhere in and around Paris and the upcoming month, I will be traveling more around Europe.

You somehow see Football everywhere around the streets here.

My primary motivation for writing this post was to share my experiences in a new city for the first time away from my country, and also to share how working and living in Paris is. I will be writing more, so keep an eye here. You can also follow me at Instagram to see my pictorial journey through Europe.

With a month left in Paris, I’m busy making memories, madly shooting photos, enjoying and learning at my work. It’s been my best and favorite internship experience so far and I’m thankful for the opportunities that Swapcard has given me.

Interested in working with Swapcard? Please find more details on open positions here, and feel free to drop me an email at

Mercie! À bientôt!

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